Empowering Futures: Financial Literacy Month


Building a strong financial foundation can be a challenging task, but it's possible with the right support. United Way of Southeast Louisiana is dedicated to helping residents gain a stronger financial footing through one-on-one coaching offered at our proven Prosperity Centers


Prosperity Centers

The Prosperity Centers, located in Orleans, St. Tammany, and Washington parishes, serve as a hub where residents can access an array of services tailored to their individual needs, from financial coaching to workforce development initiatives. United Way understands that empowering residents with the tools and resources they need to succeed helps them in building stronger financial futures and fosters a more resilient and equitable Southeast Louisiana for us all. 

Our Prosperity Centers also house United Way’s IDA Project, a matched savings account program that helps low-income individuals through a 4:1 match of their savings for a home, small business, post-secondary education, vehicle purchase, or home maintenance. Senior Vice President of Community Impact and Financial Capability, Chiquita Lattimore says,

"When one person achieves success through our IDA Project, they tell their friends and neighbors who also join the program. That's how we build a strong, financially stable community.” 



According to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), only 19% of Southeast Louisiana households face financial hardship, but an additional 30% qualify as ALICE for a combined 49% of Louisiana households unable to make ends meet. ALICE Households are asset-limited, income-constrained, and employed, with income above the FPL but below the cost of basics like housing, child care, transportation, and health care. Today, one in two households in our region is unable to afford basic expenses or save for an emergency. The ALICE data is more important now than ever to help United Way and our partners identify the most vulnerable in our communities and direct policies, programming, and resources to assist them. 


Making a Difference

Addressing the income gap in Southeast Louisiana's struggling communities is essential for economic growth and community resilience. Thanks to the generosity of our corporate partners and local funders, our United Way has forged impactful partnerships with institutions like New Orleans Career College to teach financial literacy. This collaboration equips hard-working, low-income individuals with the resources they need to break the cycle of poverty and achieve economic independence while advancing their education. 

With support from our partners and donors, United Way is making a tangible difference, one household at a time. Our comprehensive approach focuses on managing credit, reducing debt, building assets, and increasing income—ultimately leading to greater financial stability for individuals and families across Southeast Louisiana. 


This financial literacy month, join us in our commitment to prosperity and make a lasting impact on the lives of our neighbors in need.