Williamson’s Notes: Live, Love and Give, like Bob

I am delighted to share that the United Way’s distinguished Tocqueville Society members and guests gathered last Friday evening to celebrate a lifetime of generosity and the incredible journey of one man, Mr. Robert “Bob” Merrick. He was the recipient of the very first-of-its-kind honor, the Tocqueville Society Lifetime Achievement Award for his involvement over the past 55 years. This inaugural honor is reserved for exceptional individuals who dedicate themselves to the betterment of humanity. It symbolizes enduring commitment, extraordinary generosity, and an unyielding belief in the power of United Way. 

Bob is a true champion of all people, a symbol of hope in the face of adversity, and a mentor whose wisdom has illuminated countless paths to success. We recognize that he is a rare breed - who has given not only his resources but his time, his passion, and his heart. Notably, in addition to these gifts he is the founding member of the Million-Dollar Roundtable. His curious nature and willingness to be a “bell cow” has led others to follow him. Christine, his daughter, shared 


“Dad began his philanthropy journey with a simple belief that every individual has the potential to create a ripple of goodness in the world” and “that the impact of our actions can be felt for generations to come.” Bob’s journey as a philanthropist and community leader is proof of his commitment to making Southeast Louisiana a better place for all its residents. His tireless efforts have reached every corner of our community, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. As Lacey said when she joined us with her dad on Live United radio, he’s “a hard act to follow”.

One of Bob’s passions is ensuring that families in our region are not just surviving, but thriving. He understands that for a community to truly flourish, its residents must have access to the building blocks of a better life: a good education, quality health, and financial security. He has dedicated himself to supporting initiatives that empower families to break free from the cycle of poverty, opening doors to brighter futures. Bob chose to join forces with United Way because it was the first “do good organization in the city I’ve seen that took steps to be sure their money was being spent correctly.” His commitment to social change through community service and financial support across Southeast Louisiana will not easily be forgotten. Joe Exnicios, longtime friend and Hancock Whitney President, put it best when he said Bob “approached everything with a vision of what it could be versus what it was”. Thank you, Bob for joining forces with us 55 years ago and for believing in United Way’s next hundred years. Your impact will reverberate through generations, changing lives today and for years to come. 


Thank you for your generosity and unwavering commitment to United Way of Southeast Louisiana.  


Living United, 


Michael Williamson, President and CEOMichael Williamson
President and CEO
United Way of Southeast Louisiana








P.S. Thank you to Goldring Family Foundation & Woldenberg Foundation and The Four Seasons New Orleans Development Team, and all our generous sponsors and auction donors for a spectacular evening. See the full gallery of photos here.