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United Way of Southeast Louisiana (UWSELA), in partnership with Baptist Community Ministries (BCM), announces the Summer Impact Grant opportunity to expand and deepen services for children and youth ages 11-24 in New Orleans over the summer of 2022.
The application, funding guidelines, and grant process instructions are available below.
UWSELA and BCM will allocate funds to youth-serving organizations to broaden supports over the summer months – often a time of vulnerability for low-income youth due to the lack of daily school and the supports that are provided in a school setting. Summer Impact Grants broadened supports may include but are not limited to reduced program cost to families, behavioral health supports, expanded summer nutrition/meals, expanded hours or duration of programming, and connecting youth with an educational, vocational, and/or employment setting when summer programming ends. Successful implementation will help close the achievement gap, improve health outcomes, reduce crime, and scale programs in locations where they’re needed most.
Grant amounts will range from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00. If awarded a grant, funds will be received no later than May 31, 2022.
The deadline for submitting applications is May 19, 2022.
- Proposals must be submitted by public or charitable, nonprofit (tax-exempt) organizations or may be sponsored by such an organization (fiscal agent).
- Collaborations are welcome to apply; however, a lead 501(c)(3) organization must be identified and provide nonprofit documentation and an eligible budget for the collaboration.
- All participating organizations or sponsoring organizations must operate within Orleans Parish.
- Proposed projects must be designed to be completed within the scope of the grant timeline: June 1 - August 26, 2022
- A project may focus on a wide variety of youth issues or may be very narrowly focused. Nevertheless, proposed programs must align with one of the six priority areas of focus and lift up at least one solution on page 6 of the New Orleans Youth Master Plan:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Youth Voice
- Learning
- Safety & Justice
- Space & Place
- Economic Stability
- Priority will be given to organizations serving youth of color ages 11 to 24 below the ALICE Threshold.
- Funds must be used to expand or enhance summer 2022 programming – not used to start a new program.
- If funded, staff will be invited to participate in at least two trainings conducted by New Orleans Youth Alliance:
- Basic Skills,
- Trauma-Informed,
- Reframing Conflict,
- Healing Justice, or
- Building Community.
- Grant submissions must be submitted electronically by May 19, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. Applications with a time signature later than 4:00 p.m. will not be accepted. Notification of grant award will be e-mailed by May 26, 2022.
Please direct general questions about the framework or the process to Grants@UnitedWaySELA.org.
IMPORTANT: Before preparing your application, please read the following instructions carefully and provide all requested information.
- Cover Page – Complete Cover Page. Collaborative applicants should complete a cover page for each organization in the collaborative.
- Application Questions – Answer the questions as completely as possible. We recommend using Word to write your answers and then copying and pasting your responses into the spaces provided.
- Application Attachments – In addition to the electronic application and budget, the following must be uploaded to the website along with your application to be considered complete.
- Nonprofit documentation. (See below)
- Fiscal Agent Form (If Applicable-See below)
Nonprofit Documentation
- Acceptable documentation of nonprofit status includes the following:
- Copy of IRS determination letter verifying the organization as nonprofit. (Preferred)
- For Catholic Churches – copy of the IRS determination letter provided by the Group Ruling for Catholic Churches, plus a copy showing your listing in the Official Catholic Directory. (Other churches with a similar status may submit such ruling and proof that the individual church is included in the ruling.)
PLEASE NOTE: Articles of incorporation, bylaws, tax ID numbers, or Secretary of State certificates indicating incorporation will not be accepted as appropriate documentation.
Fiscal Agent Form
- If your organization does not currently have nonprofit status, you may still apply for a Summer Impact Grant by having a 501(c)(3) organization agree to act as your sponsor and fiscal agent for the project. To be considered, you must submit the attached fiscal agent form from the sponsoring organization detailing your sponsor and fiscal agent agreement, along with nonprofit documentation from the sponsor.
- All application materials must be submitted electronically by May 19, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. by uploading documents and clicking the submit button at the bottom of this form.
After completing your application, please upload application, along with your supporting documents, using the webform below.
IMPORTANT: Please carefully review these documents prior to uploading your documents.
→ Download the 2022 Summer Impact Grant Application (docx)
→ Download the Fiscal Agent Form (if applicable) (docx)
See instructions and grant criteria for more information.